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OJSC «AVTOVAZ» is a Russian automotive company, the largest producer of passenger cars in Russia and Eastern Europe. Full official name - the open joint-stock company «AVTOVAZ».
Previous names - Volzhsky automobile factory (VAZ) (1966-1971), the Association for the production of passenger cars «AVTOVAZ» (from 1971). The decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR in 1972, the Volga automobile plant was given the name of the 50-anniversary of the USSR.
Previously produced automobiles VAZ with the names of «Zhiguli»and «Niva», «Sputnik», «Samara», «Oka». Currently the company produces cars under the trademark of «Lada» («Lada»). In addition, supplies other manufacturers of vehicle sets for release of cars of brands VAZ, «Lada» and «Oka». The headquarters and main production is located in the city of Togliatti in the Samara region.

Оn July 20, 1966, after the analysis of 54 different construction sites, the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Soviet government made a decision to construct a new large automobile plant in Togliatti. Preparation of technical project was entrusted to the Italian automobile concern Fiat. on August 15, 1966 in Moscow the head of Fiat Gianni Agnelli has signed a contract with the Minister of the automotive industry of the USSR Alexander Tarasov on creation of the automobile in городеТольятти with the full production cycle. Under the contract for this same concern was entrusted with the technological equipment of the plant, the training of specialists.
3 January 1967, the Central Committee of the Leninist young Communist League declared the construction of the Volga automobile plant of the all-Union shock Komsomol construction project. Thousands of people, mostly young people, headed in Togliatti on the construction of the auto giant. Already on 21 January 1967, it was removed the first cubic meter of land for the construction of the first factory shop corps of auxiliary shops (CEC).
From 1969 to form the labour collectives of the plant, in the majority of these were the people who built the plant. Continued installation of production equipment, produced by the 844 domestic factories, 900 factories socialist Commonwealth, firms of Italy, Germany, France, England, USA and other countries.
on March 1, 1970, the first 10 of bodies of future cars issued a welding shop, and on the 19th of April 1970, with the main Assembly line of the plant off the first six cars VAZ-2101 «Zhiguli», in structure mostly repeating the Italian model «FIAT-124», but it is almost entirely of local parts. Interestingly, 15 April 1970 Volzhsky automobile plant visited Henry Ford, Jr. on October 28, 1970 in Moscow was sent to the first echelon with cars «Zhiguli». Thus, when the current term of construction in 6 years, the factory was put into operation ahead of schedule for 3 years, which allowed the USSR to save more than 1 billion Soviet rubles.Оn March 24, 1971, the State Commission accepted into operation the first turn of the Volga automobile plant, which will produce 220 thousand cars in a year. 16 July 1971, was released 100-thousandth vehicle with mark «VAZ». on January 10, 1972 the State Commission signed the act of acceptance in operation of the second phase of the Volga automobile plant with the capacity of 220 thousand cars in a year. Officially the plant was adopted by the State Commission with the mark «excellent» on December 22, 1973 - after the issuance of the millionth vehicle; the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the Volga automobile plant was awarded the order of Labor red banner. The architecture of the complex of the Volga automobile plant in 1977 he was awarded the USSR State prize in the field of literature, art and architecture.
The plant's design capacity - 660 thousand cars in a year. On February 1, 2012, the plant's design capacity is 900 thousand cars a year.

After the collapse of the USSR
In the 1990's-early 2000-ies for the control of the «AVTOVAZ» burst into bitter criminal war, during which killed about 500 people, among which: the criminal authorities, businessmen, police officers, journalists, public figures, managers of the plant.
From 2002 to 2004, there was a lottery «AVTOVAZ», where took place the prizes only by the numbers of tickets purchased, the main prize of which - the car VAZ - Lada.

The economic crisis of 2008-2009
As a result of the economic crisis of 2008-2009 and is caused by the problems with the sale of products in early 2009, «AVTOVAZ» has got in a difficult financial situation. At the end of March 2009 the debt to suppliers amounted to about 14 billion rubles. For 9 months of 2009, the production fell by 43.5 % to the corresponding period of the previous year.
on March 30, 2009 the Government of Russia adopted a decision on allocation of the state Corporation «Rostekhnologii» of 25 billion rubles., which she, in turn, in the form of interest-free loans for the period of a year will pass «AVTOVAZ».
Also the model range of «AVTOVAZ» has got under the state program of subsidizing of interest rates on car loans.
In September 2009 the management of the company announced about the mass reduction of the personnel: by the end of 2009 will be reduced 27.6 thousand workers from 100 thousand. According to representatives of «AVTOVAZ», this will be one of the steps on a way to prevent the bankruptcy of Russia's largest automotive company. However, already in the beginning of October it became known that the Government of Russia has been agreed by the dismissal of only 5 thousand people, and the first Vice-Premier of the Government Igor Shuvalov said: «No dismissals and reductions at the enterprise is planned. It's all lies». As a result, almost 22.5 thousand employees of the company were dismissed in 2009, of them: 11.5 thousand - registered pension and 2,3 thousand - early retirement pension. Registration of such a «mass» early retirement pension was an unprecedented phenomenon for Russia.At the same time, in October 2009, the Ministry of industry and trade of the Russian Federation in a letter to the apparatus of the government of Kazakhstan has stated that in its current form «AVTOVAZ» is in fact a viable, while in предбанкротном state (according to the calculations of the Ministry, at the beginning of 2010 the debt of the plant will be 76,3 billion rbl.). According to the Ministry of industry and trade, further state support of the enterprise is not expedient, but to save the situation in Togliatti can only be reduced up to 50 thousand employees of «AutoVAZ» and spending money which will be allocated to «AVTOVAZ», on the stabilization of the labour market in the Samara region.
In November 2009, the Christian Эстев, General Director of Renault in Russia, said that in the proposals of the French side, the «AVTOVAZ» it is planned to organize the production of motor vehicles of Renault, Nissan and Lada on the basis of a single platform B0 platform (Logan), and also leave the production of the motor vehicles of a class of ultra low cost (perhaps on the basis of «guelder-rose»). In November 2009, the Russian Government announced about readiness to «AVTOVAZ» support in the amount of 54.8 billion rubles. Of this amount, 38 billion is uncollectable debts, another 12 billion rubles will go to the creation and launching into production of the new model of the series, and another 4.8 billion roubles is necessary for implementation of the program of creation of new jobs. State Corporation «Russian technologies» and Renault have signed on November 27, 2009, a Protocol on cooperation in the recapitalization of «AVTOVAZ». The agreement provides for financial assistance «AVTOVAZ» by the Russian Federation in exchange for the assistance of Renault in the use of technology Renault and Nissan.
on March 10, 2010, the Board of Directors of «AVTOVAZ» approved a business-plan to the year 2020, according to which it is planned to increase manufacture of cars of up to 1.2 million units per year by the end of 2010-ies, as well as investments in the enterprise for the 2010-2020 in the amount of up to 3 billion euros.
on August 26, 2010, the President of «AVTOVAZ» Igor Komarov has informed, that the net profit of «AVTOVAZ» for January-July of 2010 amounted to 24 million rubles under RAS against loss for the same period of 2009.

Owners and management
From December 22, 2005, after the resignation of the Chairman of the Board of Directors In. In. Каданникова, the General meeting of shareholders established the following distribution of packages of shares: 64 % of the shares of OJSC «AVTOVAZ» owned by the same subsidiaries - «AVVA» (38 %), CJSC «TSO AFK» (24 %) and ZAO «investment company» (2 %). The OAO «AVTOVAZ» owns 86 % of shares of «AVVA», and «AVVA» together with «AVTOVAZ» owns 60 % of shares of «TSO AFK».In December 2007, it became known that the French automobile manufacturing Corporation «Renault» plans to buy 25 % of shares of OJSC «AVTOVAZ». February 29, 2008, the transaction took place, the contract on the sale of shares was signed by mayor of the Board of Directors of IC «Troika Dialog» Ruben Vardanyan, President of Troika Capital Partners» Sergey Skvortsov and the head of Renault-Nissan Carlos Ghosn. The final sum of the transaction will depend on the results of work of «AVTOVAZ» in 2008-2009, but will not exceed 1,2 billion dollars. After redemption of Treasury shares of the plant «Renault» will receive the control packet of shares.
In September 2008, the principal shareholders: Renault (25 %), «Russian technologies» (25.1 %) and «Troika dialog» (25,64 %).


The main production
In the structure of production units of the OJSC «AVTOVAZ» includes:
metallurgical production (ICC);
press production (PDP);
Assembly-and-bodywork production (SCP);
mechanical Assembly production (SMEs);
tool production (OOO LADA INSTRUMENT);
production of equipment repair and maintenance (LLC АВТОВАЗПРОО);
the production of plastic products (AUP);
experimental-industrial production (OPP);
production of press-forms and stamps (PCA).
The process of car Assembly is carried out on five lines of the pipeline. Each car produced by the automobile plant, passes tested on an automobile track, which is a two ring road and isolated areas with test coverage.
In 1966 to 1991 in the composition of the «Association of the Volga passenger car production» was composed of 5 (five) production :
Belebey plant Autonormal;
Димитровградский autoagregatny Zavod;
Скопинский autoagregatny Zavod;
After the collapse of the USSR, as a result of privatization, all of the enterprise became joint-stock companies and moved to different owners. Currently, these plants continue to supply its products both on the OAO «AVTOVAZ», and on the other car factories of Russia.«AVTOVAZ» together with «General Motors» and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development took part in creation of the joint venture «GM-AvtoVAZ». Joint production began with the release of off-road car «Chevrolet Niva» («Chevrolet Niva»).

Scientific-technical center
8 April 1986, there was a visit of M. With. Gorbachev in Togliatti, where the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, visited the plant. The result of this visit was the decision about creation on the basis of a flagship of the domestic machine-building engineering center.
on September 4, 1986 the Government of the country was adopted the decision about creation of the operation of branch scientific and technical center (STC). In 1987-1994, there have been put into operation its main power: corps of engineers, design center, a complex of preparation of the car to the test complex research of electromagnetic compatibility, noise and vibration, аэроклиматический complex, housing development of the industrial and experimental productions. In 1996, the NTC has been accepted in operation a full-scale wind tunnel.
The first head of the scientific and technical center was In. In. Kadannikov (in 1986-1988 years).
on September 7, 2001, in honor of the 15th anniversary of scientific-technical centre, was opened the first stage of technical Museum. Today it is a Park of automotive and military equipment, which collected unique exhibits from all over the country. The Museum is opened for visiting citizens of the city.
After entering the number of the shareholders of OJSC «AVTOVAZ» of the French company Renault, adopted the decision on entering of NTC OAO «AVTOVAZ» in the global engineering Alliance with Renault/Nissan. Subsidiaries
Name of the Activity of the ownership of the shares
LLC «Lada Media» - VAZ-TV television and Radio company Mr.. Togliatti 100 %
LLC «Lada tool» Tool production 100 %
LLC «Volga-building plant» vet - production of technological equipment by 100 %
CJSC «Lada the Image of a» Official distributor on sale of spare parts 100 %
JSC «Lada-Service» Dealer network, LADA, brings together 140 subsidiaries of the regional companies 100 %
JSC «АВТОВАЗТРАНС» (VAZ trust) of the Motor road and railway transportation of 100 %
JSC FGC «LADA HOUSE» Construction company 100 %
CJSC «Plant of building materials» Brick-works 100 %
LLC «Соцкультбыт-tour» Unites base of rest: «Fortuna», «Rod», «Friendship», «Blue Bay», «Usinskaya», «Alye Parusa» 100 %
«NPF AVTOVAZ» non-state pension Fund of OJSC «AVTOVAZ» 100 %
CJSC «VAZ-systems» Computer software, is in fact a legal entity DIS (management information systems) 100 %of AVTOVAZ
LLC «Courtyard printed AVTOVAZ» Printing house 100 %
CJSC JV «GM-AVTOVAZ» Joint venture GM and AVTOVAZ, 41,61 %
JSC «АвтоВАЗагро» Planting, breeding and planting of seedlings
CJSC insurance company «АскоВАЗ» Medical insurance company more 50 %
JSC «ЛифтЭлектроСервис» Maintenance of elevators, escalators
ANO «planet of childhood Lada» Children's pre-school institutions at least 50 %of
OAO PSA «Бронто» Production of special vehicles of less than 50 %
«Hotel Yubileynaya» Hotel in the Avtozavodsky district Export
Despite the relative localization of the main sales market of «AVTOVAZ», cars of its production can be found in any, even the most remote corner of the earth, even in the most developed countries. For example, in Australia, New Zealand,Canada, and Germany.

Development plans in the company connect with further integration with Renault-Nissan. At the end of 2011, «AVTOVAZ» put on the conveyor of car Lada Granta, in the first half of 2012 - mini-ven R90 and van F90 (Lada Largus) on the platform B0, in the third quarter of 2012 it is planned to start the production of Nissan also on the platform B0, by 2013 - priced, hatchback Granta and two more car Renault, also on the platform B0. The company also plans to 2013 - modernization of a number of industries, expansion of engines and gearboxes.

Social policy
In the years of perestroika «AVTOVAZ» has transferred to its balance sheet numerous objects of social infrastructure, previously funded through him. In particular, в1991 year on the balance sheet of the city was handed over to the built in 1966-1991 years of the residential Fund of the employees.
In 2008, the balance of the city were transferred to the Palace of sports «Волгарь», stadium «torpedo», «House of culture and technology ДКиТ», sports complex «Olympus». In 2009 AVTOVAZ JSC refused from the content of three integrated dormitories for non-resident workers. In December 2009, the medical service of the enterprise (clinics and sanatoriums «Prilesye» not, «Scarlet sails») transferred to the Federal medical-biological Agency.

The low quality of the cars manufactured by «AVTOVAZ» has become a widely known fact and often satirized in the environment of motorists. In October 2009, the «AVTOVAZ» in the presentation of the business plan for the first time has recognized, that produces cars «extremely low» quality, and called himself ineffective on many points. One of the reasons for such a situation has been called the «low quality of purchased components».

Interesting facts
The employees who have worked at the plant for more than 20 years - is given the title of «Veteran of the Volga Automobile Plant» with delivery of corresponding certificates. This title was awarded to well people were not an employee of the plant. There are icons «Veteran of AVTOVAZ» (different logo of the plant), as well as the medal.
«AVTOVAZ» became the first enterprise in the USSR, where in 1983, with the help of logical bomb in the computer program was stopped by the Assembly line.
In the autumn of 1999 as a result of auto-expeditions «Tibet-99», organized by the St. Petersburg for two автомобиляхВАЗ-2131 and one VAZ 2120, was implemented in record mountain climbing on an elongated «Niva» to the mark 5726 meters.
Cars of production of JSC «AVTOVAZ» are the most угоняемыми (by number) in Moscow (according to the data for January-September 2008).On the territory of the enterprise there is a heliport, which is regularly used until the collapse of the USSR for the carriage of cargo helicopters and managers of the plant. Helipads are available only in five settlements of the Samara region: in Курумоче (airport), Смышляевке (airport), Volzhsky Utes (the residence of the President),Samara and Togliatti. At the present time is rarely used.

Regular competitions are held «LADA Cup», as well as circular track races and various Russian competitions on rally, where participate the automobiles of the production of «AVTOVAZ» or sponsor of the competition is «AVTOVAZ», in particular - autocross «Silver boat».
Since the year 2008 «AVTOVAZ» takes part in a World championship in a class of touring on cars Lada 110.
Since 2009 in circular races championship (WTCC) participates Lada Priora.
For the season 2010 in the car of the team «Formula 1», «Reno» logo is placed LADA.
In 2011 started «Cup of LADA Granta». The first phase of the new Racing series held on 11-12 June at the «Moscow» in Myachkovo.

Model range
At the present time are serially produced vehicles:
the Lada Kalina family of cars, production of which began on 18 November 2004;
sedan Lada Granta - budget version of the sedan Kalina, released on November 29, 2011;
the Lada Priora sedan, 5-door hatchback and a station wagon;
the family Lada Samara II («Lada Samara II») - sedan, 3-door and 5-door hatchbacks with front wheel drive;
Lada 4×4 («Lada 4×4») - all-terrain vehicle, prior to 2005, called an «Lada Niva» («Lada Niva»).
Serially produced engines:
the modifications to the engine VAZ-2101 for «Lada classic»;
the modifications to the engine VAZ-2108 for «Lada Samara», «Lada 110» and «Kalina»;
engine VAZ-2112 and its versions for «Lada-110», «Kalina» and «Priora»;
the version of engine VAZ-2121 for «Lada Niva»;
engine VAZ-1118 for «Lada Kalina».
In addition, the «AVTOVAZ» continues to produce components and spare parts for models, taken from the production or those produced in other cities of Russia and abroad.Among the major plans of OJSC «AVTOVAZ»:
2012 - at platform B 0: the joint project of «Renault-AVTOVAZ» car «Lada Largus».
2015 - hatchback segment B and the crossover segment With,
2016 - a new model Priora, crossover In-segment and the sedan of C-class.
2011 «AVTOVAZ» has stopped production of the classic models (2105, 2107), and the family of Sаmara is expected to be withdrawn from production in 2014.
2020 year the company intends to produce 9 models of the 3 (or 4) platforms in six segments. The three models - Low Cost, the new «Priora» and C-class - will account for 70 % of production volume, it follows from the program.

Latin in writing of the names of the cars
In September 2004, the company management announced the transfer of all cars produced by a single brand, writing that it was decided not to Cyrillic, as it suggest norms of the Russian language and the Latin script. Instead of the abbreviation «VAZ» cars, including models, produced more than a decade, received a single name «Lada», previously used only as a trademark for the export options. Meanwhile, the then head of «AVTOVAZ» Vladimir Kadannikov said that the most skilled names of its products gives people - «penny» and «chisel» does not eliminate any Latin. A journalist of a leading and the oldest Russian motorcar «Behind the wheel» expressed bewilderment the requirement of writing letters long existed names of the Russian car Lada Samara, according to him, even in 2008 sellers and buyers still use the old name of the model - «the twelfth», «thirteenth» and etc.

The use of jargon
Since the mid-1990s with respect to the cars, manufactured by the enterprise began to be used jargon «TAZ», or «the Basin», the origin of which is obvious by analogy with the abbreviations of other Soviet automobile plants («GAZ», «KAMAZ», «UAZ»), named after the place where they are. In 1997, the word appears in the material of the Russian automotive industry in the material browser newspaper «Megapolis-Express» Mikhail Берлогина. In the 2000s, the word is often used in the articles about the products of «AVTOVAZ» in an ironic manner, as well as in the thematic Internet forums.
Slang «BASIN» was actively used in the slogans of the participants of the all-Russian protest against the increase of customs duties on cars of foreign production in the end of 2008, in particular, in the course of the action вЕкатеринбурге, in which took part more than 1000 drivers, as well as in Moscow.In an interview with the magazine «Itogi» the President of JSC «AVTOVAZ» Boris Aleshin in may 2009, said:
«Kopeyka», «Spear» - VAZ-2101.
The«Quartet» - VAZ-2104.
«Duplet» - VAZ-21099.
«Barley-break» or «Пятнарик» - VAZ-2115.
«Five» or «stool» - VAZ-2105.
«The Shah» or «шоха», «six», «ball» - VAZ-2106.
«Seven», «Семера», - VAZ-2107.
«Chisel» - the first generation of series «Samara» and «Sputnik» (2108, 2109, 21099), «Rattle» version with a high torpedo.
(Sometimes «chisel» is called and the second generation of Samara (2113, 2114, 2115), which differs from the late injection versions of the first only in appearance and pre-антикрыльями).
«Четырка» or «Чепырка» - VAZ-2114
«Bill» or «quack», «Ten» - VAZ-2110. The name of the «Ten» is often used to indicate the whole «nine» (the VAZ-2110, VAZ-2111, VAZ-2112) of the family car.
«Pregnant antelope» (the typical shape of the rear wheel arches) - VAZ-2110.
«Doll» - VAZ-2112.
Kalina Lada Kalina.
«The basin», or «Basin» - the scornful name of all cars produced by the plant, used in critical media coverage, or Russian public activists opposing the increase of duties on import of cars of foreign manufacture and support of «AVTOVAZ» at the expense of funds from the state budget. Is used (as for vehicles, as well as for the plant), and the option of «BASIN» is the abbreviation of «Tolyatti car factory» - the argument that the names of the Soviet automobile plants should indicate the city where they are located (GAZ, MAZ, KrAZ), and «VAZ»-Ohm could just as well be called and Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) automobile plant.
Almost all models are often referred to as simply the number: «four» (2104), «двенашка» (2112), «nine» (2109), etc.

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